Hormone Replacement THerapy

Perimenopause and Menopause can be a very challenging time for women. Common symptoms include hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, weight gain, low libido, painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, and many more. Relief is possible with a variety of both prescription and non-prescription treatment methods and lifestyle modifications. However, safety is our number one priority! We make sure that your mammograms are up to date, and there is nothing putting you at an increased risk with use of HRT.

Our providers help you navigate through the transition and educate you on what to expect. Dr. Marion Pandiscio and Sammie Billman, in particular, are passionate about caring for women experiencing menopause, and are members of the National Menopause Society. All of the providers at our office are highly trained and experienced in menopause treatment.

Don't suffer in silence! Let your provider know what you are feeling.

Pellet Therapy

As we age, hormone production changes and imbalances can cause uncomfortable symptoms and conditions. For some women, hormone replacement therapy can be initiated for management of menopausal symptoms. Our providers are ready to create a personalized hormone therapy plan based on each woman’s needs. We offer Pellets through Biote but safety is our number one priority. The Biote Pellets are tiny, custom-compounded therapies for symptoms that stem from hormonal imbalances. The Biote Method may help keep a patient’s hormone levels consistent throughout the day. The Biote pellets are bioidentical to those found in the human body. If you're interested in hormone replacement therapy (HRT) via pellets, ask your provider if you're a candidate and how to get started!

Mona Lisa Touch

This is a novel non-hormonal approach to managing distressing vaginal symptoms including painful intercourse, vaginal dryness, Lichen Sclerosus, and urinary incontinence. MonaLisa Touch is a fractional CO2 laser for gynecologic use that delivers energy to tissue. It is a series of treatments with a state-of-the-art laser that is performed in our office to improve vascularization and connective tissue within the vagina and on the vulva. This laser is used for atrophy, Lichen Sclerosus, patches of white. It's an easy procedure with no downtime. Ask us about MonaLisa!