Urodynamic studies
Bladder pressure, muscle function, flow rates, and other factors are analyzed in order to assist with developing a treatment plan.
Kaleigh Braden performs UDS testing.
A cystoscopy is a procedure to look inside the bladder using a thin camera called a cystoscope. A cystoscope is inserted into the urethra (the tube that carries pee out of the body) and passed into the bladder to allow the doctor to see inside. A cystoscopy is performed to check for the cause of problems such as blood in your urine, frequent urinary tract infections (UTIs), problems peeing, etc. Dr. Desai & Dr. Biggs perform this procedure right here in the surgical suite in our office! It's a quick procedure that does not require anesthesia.
Bladder Instillations
Bladder instillations or bladder cocktails are mixtures of medicines put directly into the bladder. The American Urological Associationās practice guideline for IC indicats bladder installations as a second-line treatment option when diet modification, stress management, and over-the-counter products are not enough. The solution is inserted into the bladder through a catheter. We ask patients to hold it for at least 20 minutes.
Dr. Desai & Kaleigh Braden perform bladder instillations.
Viveve (CMRF)
Do you leak urine when you cough, sneeze, or laugh? We have the solution for you! Viveve is a noninvasive treatment for stress urinary incontinence. The internationally patented ViveveĀ® System incorporates Cryogen-cooled Monopolar Radiofrequency (CMRF) technology to uniformly provide an intravaginal treatment that is non-ablative. This single in-office session can give women relief from their incontinence for a year! If you struggle with urinary leakage and vaginal laxity, Dr. Desai, Dr. Pandiscio, and Kaleight Braden can help with this pain free treatment!
Bladder Botox
Dr. Desai can inject Botox into your bladder to treat urge incontinence or overactive bladder. This helps the muscles relax, which will give you more time to get to the bathroom when you feel the need to urinate. Bladder Botox is not the first line treatment, but can be used if other treatments have failed. Bladder Botox is not a permanent solution, but results may last up to 6-9 months.
Post-tibial nerve stimulation
PTNS is a non-surgical treatment for overactive bladder. This treatment is delivered by an accupuncture needle that is placed in the ankle where the tibial nerve is located. When the tibial nerve is stimulated, impulses travel to the nerve roots in the spine to block abnormal signals from the bladder and prevent bladder spasms. This is a great option for those that have failed medications in the past! Talk to your provider about what your options may be.
Anorectal Manometry
Anorectal Manometry is a non-surgical diagnostic test performed to evaluate patients with bowel dysfunction like accidental bowel leakage or constipation. This test measures the pressures of the anal sphincter muscles, the sensation in the rectum, and the neural reflexes that are needed for normal bowel movements.
Kaleigh Braden performs ARM testing.